CATATAN: Topik ini diperbarui setiap kali versi baru dari Mozilla Firefox dirilis. Tetap baca topik ini secara berkala untuk mendapatkan update instan.
Update Firefox 10.0.2
Mozilla telah memperbarui web browser Firefox versi 8.0.1. Update baru ini memiliki perubahan sebagai berikut:
- Security fixes
- [Fixed] Java applets sometimes caused text input to become unresponsive
- Most add-ons are now compatible with new versions of Firefox by default
- [Fixed] Mac OS X only – after installing the latest Java release from Apple, Firefox may crash when closing a tab with a Java applet installed
- [Fixed] Silverlight video may not play on some Macintosh hardware
- The forward button is now hidden until you navigate back
- Anti-Aliasing for WebGL is now implemented
- Full Screen APIs allow you to build a web application that runs full screen
- CSS3 3D-Transforms are now supported
- New element for bi-directional text isolation, along with supporting CSS properties
- Inspect tool with content highlighting, includes CSS Style Inspector
- IndexedDB APIs added to more closely match the specification
- [Fixed] Some users may experience a crash when moving bookmarks
Update Firefox 8.01
Mozilla telah memperbarui web browser Firefox versi 8.0.1. Update baru ini memiliki perubahan sebagai berikut:
- Fixed Mac OS X crash that occurred in certain instances when a Java Applet is loaded with Java SE 6 version 1.6.0_29 installed.
- Fixed Windows startup crash caused by RoboForm versions older than 7.6.2.
Update Firefox 7.01
Mozilla telah memperbarui web browser Firefox ke versi 7.0.1. Pada Versi baru ada perbaikan masalah di mana beberapa pengguna bisa menemukan pengaya yang tersembunyi setelah update Firefox.
Beberapa perubahan pada Firefox 7:
- Drastically improved memory handling for certain use cases
- Added a new rendering backend to speed up Canvas operations on Windows systems
- Bookmark and password changes now sync almost instantly when using Firefox Sync
- The ‘http://’ URL prefix is now hidden by default
- Added support for text-overflow: ellipsis
- Added support for the Web Timing specification
- Enhanced support for MathML
- The WebSocket protocol has been updated from version 7 to version 8
- Added an opt-in system for users to send performance data back to Mozilla to improve future versions of Firefox
- Fixed several stability issues
- Fixed several security issues
Update Firefox 6.0.2
Mozilla telah memperbarui web browser Firefox ke versi 6.0.2.
Berikut ini adalah perubahan dalam versi baru ini:
- Removed trust exceptions for certificates issued by Staat der Nederlanden
- Resolved an issue with websites
Update Firefox 6.0.1
Web browser Mozilla Firefox kini telah diperbaharui menjadi versi 6.0.1. Mozilla telah mencabut sertifikat root untuk DigiNotar dari versi ini karena penerbitan sertifikat SSL penipuan.
Mozilla telah mengupdate versi Firefox mereka ke versi 6. Berikut beberapa perubahan penting yang ada pada Firefox terbaru kali ini:
- The address bar now highlights the domain of the website you’re visiting
- Streamlined the look of the site identity block
- Added support for the latest draft version of WebSockets with a prefixed API
- Added support for EventSource / server-sent events
- Added support for window.matchMedia
- Added Scratchpad, an interactive JavaScript prototyping environment
- Added a new Web Developer menu item and moved development-related items into it
- Improved usability of the Web Console
- Improved the discoverability of Firefox Sync
- Reduced browser startup time when using Panorama
- Fixed several stability issues
- Fixed several security issues
Anda dapat men-download Firefox 6 dengan link berikut:
Jika Anda tidak ingin menginstal Mozilla Firefox tapi ingin mencobanya, Anda dapat menggunakan versi portabel:
makasi atas infonya mas!